Roofing Maintenance

Help protect your investment with a regular maintenance schedule.  Belleville Roofing Services provides roofing upkeep, adding durability and years of extended life to your roof.  Your roofing system is exposed to all types of wear and tear.  The weather in the Quinte area can add stress to your roof causing normal aging effects.  Smaller defects may occur from time to time as well, and it is important to have these defects repaired before more expensive fixes are needed.  

Preventative Maintenance

Belleville Roofing Services provides preventative care to help prolong the life of your roof, potentially saving you thousands of dollars down the road. Preventative service includes:

  • Routine inspections of roofing materials (shinglesmetal, membrane), chimney masonry, flashing, soffits, fascia, and eavestroughs. A roofing inspection should be done twice a year, in the fall and in the spring. Roofing inspections should also happen after any major weather event, such as a wind, hail, or ice storm.
  • We immediately correct any damage. Minor patches can save you thousands in the future. Minor damage to your roof can eventually develop into major issues, costing your much more than a minor fix would have cost.
  • Detection of moisture under roofing materials and in attic. It is important that any insulation in the attic stays dry. We can inspect to see if there is moisture in the insulation. Damaged insulation may severely impact the energy efficiency of your roof.

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Saving You Money!

Your roof is an integral part of your home. It’s one of the largest investments you can make to protect your home. Regular upkeep can prolong the longevity of your roof. Extend the life of your roof with leak-free, peace of mind service. Don’t delay repairs on your roof. Ignoring these issues may save you money in the short-term, but damage to your roof can progressively become worse, costing you much more in the future when it becomes necessary to perform major repairs or a full roof replacement. We can help you save thousands of dollars by performing regular roof inspections and maintenance. 


Don't let those minor roofing issues develop into major problems.
​Let Belleville Roofing Services help save money by providing regular maintenance on your roofing system.

Request Your Free, No Obligation Quote Now!
Use the code "SHINGLE" to Receive a Bonus Coupon*

*While supplies last 

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